Own an original oil painting or existing works
View & buy existing works through the web gallery on this site
Prices of existing works 2,000- 15,000 USD.. for further inquiries Please Contact Artist with the name of the painting.
Commission portrait prices all in US dollars
- Head & shoulders : 1,000.00
- 3/4 view / hands : 1,200.00
- full length : 1,500.00
- 75% each additional person.
- complexity of background starting 200.00
- pets & animals prices start 500.00
- 50 % due on start up - balance on completion of painting.
- Canvas sizes, clothing ,backgrounds ,photo session will be discussed on meeting.
- Framing, shipping ,sales tax ,travel expenses if necessary are additional.
- Private & group oil painting lessons are available.
NOTHING from this webb site may be used without the written permission of Karen Venditti Artist, Nerak Artist-2007-24©
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all rights reserved.
Web site developed by HK Kalajian Enterprises